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Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Kirana Like Humoris Man

What matters, sinetron stars and models do not confess Larasati Kirana finicky. Terms of the proposed is quite simple, namely has a taste of humor and can make them have to laugh. However, until now, has not also desirable that men came to the stars this sinetron Prince teaser.
"The point I like the humorous, I like the rough. Pokoknya who can make me laugh ngikik," he said syuting found the video clip song Irwansyah Camelia property, in Belarossa, Kemang, not this old.

Kirana own previously isued court with Awi Suryadi, a young director. However, the relationship that until now have not known the status, or between Pertemanan court. "Yes good aja, essentially we are still connected properly. The relationship o.k..'re One and two months ago," he said. "I am also confused the name of the relationship, such as what we Get. But we still tetep communication, tetep ngedukung each other, often to locations dateng syuting," said Kirana dispute.

But on the other hand also confess Kirana rarely met Awi. Because both are now busy with the activities of each. "Nggak as soalnya dulu banget him busy," last stars sinetron CINTA ITU KAN is a little confused.

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